The Protection of Saint Dogbert

The Protection of Saint Dogbert

21 August 2010

The Haus' return from Hiatus

Yeah, I haven't written a post in a few months...not since I posted the Commandments of your Haus' blog. So, I think that I should write a few words for my loyal readers.

Saturday, July 31st was the last day in my old apartment. I had lived there for just short of four years, and by the time I was done with emptying the place and cleaning it, it looked like a bachelor had lived in it for four years. It wasn't dirty, but it was very worn down. You could tell where I had walked every day in the living room as opposed to where I had kept the couches and other items of furniture. It wasn't as bad in the bedroom, as that room was a lot easier to rearrange every six to twelve months. Anyway, I spent the week leading up to July 31st moving my stuff into a new apartment that was considerably larger and would be shared by Em and I for the next year or so (or until we decide what we're going to do with our lives together. Em moved her stuff out here on August 9th, right before we headed back to San Diego for an event that would change our lives forever.

On Friday, August 13th, I married my best friend, Emilysa, in the San Diego Temple. We had a wonderful day, filled with happiness, family, and friends. Our reception was the next afternoon, and we enjoyed being able to relax with everyone (though, it was starting to get warm in my three-piece black suit around 1630). We then spent a few days up in Solvang, CA for our honeymoon.

After the honeymoon we spent one more day with Em's family, opened the wedding presents, and then packed up Em's car and headed back here to Tucson, where we're currently figuring out where to put all of the things that we own. It's interesting to walk around an apartment that is still (after having technically lived in it for three weeks) a huge maze of boxes. But, we're making progress. We have the kitchen to the point where it is safely usable. And our bedroom is getting to the point of organization (though, the arrival of the bed frame in about a week will help that along, as it has storage drawers built into the frame). The living room was already in decent shape, as I had a bunch of guys over to watch UFC 117 the weekend before the wedding. The office will be the really fun room to figure out.

Monday I'll head back to work (after two weeks off), and life will start to drift into the new state of normality. But, for the next few hours, I'm going to enjoy the time that I have to devote all of my attention to my new wife, and make sure that we get our life together off on the right foot.

Thus Sayeth Your Haus