The Protection of Saint Dogbert

The Protection of Saint Dogbert

04 February 2010

Unintended Consequences

I remember when I was a kid going to Fast and Testimony meeting and our bishop getting up on the months he conducted and starting his testimony by apologizing to those people who he may have unknowingly offended. He did not want to offend anyone, but he definitely didn't want people to not come to church because of that offense.

Now, I'm a bit of a brash fellow, and I know that there are some people I have upset and I haven't really even cared. There are some people that I have hurt and it was just inevitable. But, I found out today that something entirely inconspicuous I did back in October brought down the spirits of a friend of mine.

I know you know who you are, as you're among the five people who actually read this and you mentioned me by name in your post. So, I had no idea that posting a few pictures of an ice hockey game (and those who attended) would bring you down, and, for bringing your spirits down, I am sorry. I am guessing that you don't hold a grudge, as you have continued to acknowledge my presence, which is a good thing. But, yeah, that one is my bad.

1 comment:

  1. ah, that's Ok Patrick. I know you didn't mean it, and had no idea what it would do to me. It was just bad timing is all, and that's certainly not your fault. I am kind of embarrassed that you actually READ the post in the first place....guess I shoulda thought of that, huh? Don't worry, I wasn't really mad at you, and I hold no hard feelings. =)


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