The Protection of Saint Dogbert

The Protection of Saint Dogbert

13 March 2010

Here's how it went down (from my perspective)

So, I fully intend that this will be posted well after news has gotten out there, and I'll have told this multiple times, but it's good to get things down in writing while they're still fresh in the mind.
If you don't know what news I'm talking about, then I should tell you that I recently became engaged. I'm marrying a wonderful woman, Emilysa, on August 13th, 2010. We'll be married in the San Diego Temple.

The date was Saturday, 6 Mar 10. It was a rainy day, but Em and I had been in her parent's house all morning and wanted to get out and do something for a little bit. So, we decided to head to the beach to watch the waves and talk. When we got to Torrey Pines, the rain had stopped but the wind was still blowing, which made for a lot of waves to watch. We sat in the car talking for a while, but seeing the break in the rain we decided to take a walk along the beach.

Now, we were at the northern end of Torrey Pines...right where it meets up with Del Mar. The beach there is more rocky than sandy, so we were walking on the stones until we came to a spot where there would be sand at a low tide (with a tide pool being left), but it was high tide, so it was all water. So, we stopped and watched the waves from our stony vantage point.

I was standing behind her...arms around her waist and my head over her left shoulder. We talked as we stood there, the waves crashing and the wind blowing. We talked as we stood there. From time to time, I looked off to my left, as there had been a guy nearby taking pictures. I was happy to see that he eventually walked away. I wanted a little privacy.

She mentioned how fortunate we were to be together. I agreed with her, told her how much I love her, and then told her I had a question for her. I turned her around, pulled a small black box from my jacket pocket, got down on my right knee, opened the box, and asked her "Will you marry me?"

Now, it's not often that I've seen Em speechless. She was after that question. She bent over, put her hands on my cheeks, and kissed me while she regained her ability to speak. This took about half a minute. When she spoke, it was a single word..."Absolutely!" So, still down on my knee, I took her by the left hand, took the ring out of the box, and slid the ring onto her finger. It fit! After the ring was on her hand, I finally stood back up. I put my arms around her, kissed her, and we stood there in a tight embrace. After a minute, I could feel her arm move, as if she was looking at the ring on her hand. The next thing she told me was that she loved the ring. That was another large weight off of my chest, as I had hoped that she'd like her ring.

We stayed at the beach a little while longer, then headed back to her car once it looked like the rain would begin again. And it did. It was raining sheets for a little while. But, we stayed there watching the beach and enjoying our time with each other.

Now we're well into planning things, and will be for the next few months. But, for as long as I live, I will look back to that day as the best day of my life (to that point).

Thus Sayeth Your Haus


  1. YAY! It's fun to hear your side of the story, since I've obviously heard Em's take on things. :) Welcome to the family!

  2. How awesome! The beach is a beautiful place to get engaged--especially on such awe inspiring night. We're excited for you to be part of the family! You two are an awesome match!

    It's a great day to get engaged. We were on that day 12 years ago! Our wedding anniversary is the 1st of August so we agree that you couldn't have done better! Good days/months for both.

    We are so excited for you and are planning to be there on your special day!


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