The Protection of Saint Dogbert

The Protection of Saint Dogbert

25 March 2012

Running Journal - Week 2

A second week of running is over, and I'm another week closer to the end of this program, and to actually running a 5K. The idea of actually running in a race isn't bothering me as much as it originally did, and I think that is in large part to how well my initial runs have gone. I've also started looking to upgrade two pieces of 'equipment' that I use for my shoes and my headphones. I'm realizing that if I end up getting new running shoes, I'll need to do this before I go on vacation in May, so I have time to break them in before the race. As for headphones, I'm a bit of a technology snob, so I've been focusing on the headphones out there that will allow me to control my iPod from the cord, instead of having to fumble with the actual device (which is strapped to my arm). Anyway, the search continues, as does the running.

As promised, here's a breakdown of this week's runs:

Week 2 Totals - 5 Runs, 9.04 Miles, 1:55:37

Monday - 2.01 Miles, 23:04
This was a cold, damp run. It was miserable. I didn't quite make it through the first mile before I had to slow down to walk for a hundred yards or so, but I still ran more than I walked.

Tuesday - 2.00 Miles, 23:02
Another cold day, but at least it was sunny. I made it through the first mile, and I realized that taking the route in the opposite direction I had previously taken it would actually be a good thing for me. Get the hills out of the way first. Then focus on just keeping going for the second mile. Easily a 3:1 run/walk ratio.

Thursday - 1.01 Miles, 9:09
Another fast run. It had been a rough day at work, so a quick run was a good way to let off some steam. I was gassed by the end of the run. The weather was nice, though.

Friday - 2.01 Miles, 22:02
A pace at 11 minutes/mile. This is progress. I figure achieving a pace like this at this point in my training schedule will allow me to be able to progress to the point where I'll be able to run a 5K in under 30 minutes by the time June rolls around, which is the sub-goal I've set for myself (with the overall goal of actually finishing the thing). I did have to slow down a couple times to walk, but I was able to keep those to a minimum. Building endurance is definitely going to be important if I'm going to do as well as I would like in June.

Sunday - 2.01 Miles, 38:20
I was supposed to run on Saturday, but we were in Mesa all day and didn't get home until after dark. So, instead of running on Saturday, my wife and I went for a Sunday Walk, and I'm counting it. I took her on the route that I usually run so she can gain an appreciation for how far 2 miles actually is in our neighborhood. It was cloudy, but there was a nice breeze and it was cool. Time wasn't a factor in my mind, but I just wanted to ensure that I moved my legs today. My legs have been tired (which I think is better than sore), but they seemed to enjoy the slower pace today.

Week 3 Schedule - 5 Runs, 9 Miles

Thus Sayeth Your Haus

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